HometeamNS Everyday Heros

In lieu of Mothers’ Day, HometeamNS (HTNS) collaborated with SHEIN SG to produce a fashion show event to celebrate the spouses of HTNS Regulars.

The theme of this event would be Women Empowerment, Everyday Heroism and Femininity. The goal of this event is to create an event space where beauty meets empowerment.

Apart from using pink tones and flowers as the key visuals of this event, a woman’s vanity area was also designed and curated as the event’s Photo OP area.

HometeamNS & SHEIN

May 2023

A woman’s vanity room is often used as an escape from everyday burdens where Women practice self-love by pampering themselves and eventually emerge as the unstoppable forces that they were born to be.

In this realm of space, Women can visit the Photo Op Area to immerse themselves in an oasis of tranquility and empower each other this Mothers’ Day


Moet Henessey & LVMH


Income Townhall